Main goal is to play Doc Octopus to force your opponents hand into one location, sacrificing that location, then you play either Arnim Zola or Doctor Strange to contest the other two locations. The lane you play Octopus in is the lane you are giving up on purpose
Early game - Setups with Ebony and Zero for big power spike. Sentinal for curve. When you have all locations revealed you should know what lane you are giving up.
Mid game - Place Goose to stop your opponent from playing big cards in locations you are trying to win in late game, Iron Heart and Fantastic for more power pushing
Late game - Combo with Doc Octopus and Zola/Strange. Play the octopus to a location that is currently empty on your side. Then on final turn play Zola to put 2 Octos in 2 other locations, or Doctor Strange to move Octopus into one other lane if you didn't draw Zola. (You can probably cut strange out of this deck)
America Chavez turns the deck from a 12 card deck, to an 11 card deck until turn 6. Increasing the odds of drawing your other, more important cards.