Amawrican Vampire
Deck Description
Ebony Maw is a card with incredible upside as long as you draw it before turn 4. America Chavez helps to make you more consistently see one less card in your deck in the early turns of the game because she cannot be drawn before turn 6. This means you are more likely to draw Ebony Maw before turn 4 and get the huge upside of a 1 cost 6 power unit. In addition, Dracula pairs well with America as a turn 4 play that can discard the 6 drop that you always draw on turn 6. If you don't have the Dracula, you can just consistently play America as a curve topper on 6 for 10 points somewhere, but getting 10 points out of your 4 drop is pretty incredible. Dracula can also be used to discard a late game Ebony Maw draw for 6 points so that you can still get value out of the card in situations where he would normally be unplayable.
As you are 1 drop heavy and looking to discard your only 6 cost every game to Dracula, you are much more likely to have 0 cards in hand at the end of the game, meaning Strong Guy should pretty consistently be 9 power for 2 energy. Sunspot helps by giving us something to do with left over energy if we flood the board early and don't have more cards to play. Nightcrawler and Ironfist can move units into the Ebony Maw zone later in the game for surprise wins and Hood is 2 seperate 1 cost units that both get buffed by Kazar and help to fill out locations for Ant-Man. The combination of Kazar, Squirrel Girl, and Ant-Man is an obvious one, and it works well here just like it will in many other decklists.
Finally, because you always draw America on turn 6, one of two things will happen in a game. Either you will play Dracula and discard the America to it on turn 6, or you'll not draw Dracula and instead have to play the America as your final card. In situations where you have the Dracula, it's important to have another high energy card to play on turn 6. Captain Marvel helps by giving us another way to sneak power into whatever location Ebony Maw is on and we can play the Captain Marvel alongside one of our many 1 drops on turn 6 if need be in order to empty our hand. If instead we have a game where we don't draw the Dracula, then we hope to play Kazar on turn 4, America on turn 6, and hopefully if we have it a 5 drop to play on 5. This to me makes it seem better to have a 5 cost in the deck instead of a second 6, despite our main game plan being never actually playing our one 6 cost card in our deck. If we played a second 6 cost unit instead of a 5, then there is a chance on turn 5 our only play would be that other 6 drop, forcing us to float 5 energy and likely losing us the game.
Gammora, Professor X, and Ironman are all reasonable 5 drops to play in the Captain Marvel slot, but for right now I think she's the most flexible and consistent 5 cost to play for this deck.
The Nightcrawler and Ironfist spots could likely be experimented with, but I think it's very important to play this many 1 drops, so even if you do replace them, try to do so with other 1 cost cards, like Elektra or Scarlet Witch. Whatever you do, make sure you don't add Quicksilver, as he directly fights with our main gameplan of trying to draw Ebony Maw before turn 4 by forcing us to draw him in our opening hand.
Well that's the deck! While other people are out there playing 2 power for 1 energy and 4 power for 2 energy, you'll be playing 6 power 1 cost Ebony Maws and 9 power 2 cost Strong Guys in the hopes that you can snap them out of the game. Good luck!
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