This deck's aim is to fill up the entire board with buffed cards, while still having the ability to disrupt the opponent’s plan. You’ll want to have as much power as possible and if you draw well and optimize your power output, you probably beat most decks on raw power. Try to distribute your power across the board so you aren’t cornered in one location. Nova, Forge, Okoye and Nakia are here to buff the swarm cards like Mysterio, Mister Sinister and Brood. Killmonger is used to kill your opponent 1 cost cards, like Sunspot, Nova and others while being the sole Nova activator for the deck. Bishop is really good when played early, as we play a lot of cards and if you play Mysterio after him, it will get a +3 buff since each copy will count as a played card. Doctor Octopus is your standard turn 5 play and is best played on an empty location for your opponent to better disrupt their combos. This allows you to play Mojo on your side to guarantee the +6 buff. Wasp is used to cover any open spot in the last turn, as it will most likely already been buffed by Okoye and Nakia and will trigger one more 1 power buff for Bishop.
Deck matchups
Elysium will allow you to play your entire hand. Manage your energy to make big plays on the last turns and snap early.
If you are losing and Bar With No Name is in play, you can always try to play Doctor Octopus and hope you pull more power than your own Octo.
Knowhere is bad for you since we don’t have a way to move cards there. Use it to place Nova, Okoye and Nakia since you need to manage your board space well.
On Kyln, try to have buffed Sinister or Brood there early.
Lechuguilla is bad for us since the rocks die to Killmonger. Try not to play there until the last few turns.
Mojoworld is the best place to play Mojo since your opponent will most likely play 4 cards there.
Mindscape is not so bad for this deck. Try to dump your hand before turn 6 and if you can’t, pass Nakia and Okoye to your opponent.
Muir Island is a good location since you can play many cards there early.
Sanctum Sanctorum is a bad location, since limits your space and we don’t have move cards. Try to kill your opponents nightcrawler if you can.
Sinister London and Kamar-Taj are good to duplicate Okoye, Nakia and Forge buffs.
Washington D.C. is one of the best locations since it will buff Sinister Clone, Mysterio clones and Broodlings.
On Space Throne try to use Doctor Octopus and hope you pull a lower power card from your opponent’s hand.
Always check your opponent’s hand size when playing Doctor Octopus so you know if you can trigger Mojo or not.
Be mindful of 1 cost cards on the location you have Mojo on since Killmonger will kill them and you lose the buff.
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