I was looking for a way to utilize Okoye and Nakia to synergize with Panther a bit better.
This deck focuses on delaying the enemy plays with your early game, Yondu hopefully hitting one of their win-con cards, Iceman/Korg/Mordo disrupting their curve, and Scorpion knocking down their power in hand.
Buff cards are Forge, Okoye, Nakia, and Absorbing Man. Use at will in order to buff everything in your hand and deck. This allows you to get Black Panther on the board as a 5/8, spiking to a 5/16 after his on reveal. Then if you're lucky enough to draw Zola, you clone BP for massive power at two other locations. The turn 6 reveal tends to keep people guessing. Not sure if its competitive, but it is super fun!