Deck Description
For people that like to read; some of my thoughts on this deck and below I’ll give card explanations.
New version of my previous Buffed Guardians deck. I love to play Seradecks and I usually steer away from meta decks ,partly because I am a f2p player and also because i like playing decks I don’t see people play often. Guardians are an archetype that I don’t usually se people play and they did get buffed recently ,I think they’re actually pretty good right now.
Rocket Racoon , Star Lord , Grootand Gamora are core cards here ,obviously. I didn’t include Draxbecause I find that every card in here performs so well I don’t wanna cut anything to put him in. Also I don’t think he’s needed really ,we have plenty of high power cards already and also maybe some people don’t have him (I got him near the end of pool 3).
Forge , Okoye , Nakia and Ironheartare our buff cards. I tried many different cards when I was testing Guardian decks and buffs really work best. Whatever you buff with any of these cards is good. Giving power to Guardians is great ,because they buff themselves even more when their on reveal activates. Giving power to Sera or Shang-Chiis also great because they’re excellent tech cards that aren’t really powerfull ,because they gotta have some drawback ,but 5/6 Seraor 4/5 Shang-Chi is actually pretty good.
Beast is one of my favourites ,because he’s so flexible, and when combined with Sera is so op. He can give you another chance on Rocket Racoon or Star Lord if you didn’t have their on reveal actiavte the first time ,or even if you did ,then they go back into your hand already buffed ,costing one less. That means 0/4 Rocket or 1/5 Star Lord on turn 6 ,that can then buff themselves more when played. Thats more that 10 power for 1 mana. Or maybe you bounce back your Forge or Nakia to give even more buffs all around. Buffing anything is good ,but double buffing things is just nasty. This is also one of the cards wich gives pure value,whatever you bounce back is good. If I have Beast in hand I will usually play him on turn 4 with another 2 drop and I usually play all cards prior to that in the same lane ,so I can bounce back 2 or 3 cards. The Sera on 5 and on 6 you I tend to play 4 or more buffed cards. Beastis awesome!
Shang-Chi and Sera are our tech cards here , Sera works excellent with Beast and our other low cost cards ,i prioritize always playing Seraon turn 5 if I can. And Shang-Chi is here for anything from Deathwave to Shuri decks ,he has won me many games.
And Doctor Doom finaly ,I have had so many cards in place od Doctor Doom like Odin or Aero or Dock Ock ,but Doctor Doom is by far the best option ,I’ve found. But this card is replecable really ,you can play whatever you feel like here ,maybe even Drax if you want ,for full Guardians experience.
The main thing is to try and predict your opponent plays ,so your Guardians on reveals can trigger. This makes it fun for me ,because basicly I have to play my opponents deck as well as my own ,or rather I have to think as my opponent and I like that style of playing. This may be too much or too hard for some people ,but if you don’t care about ranks ,you can certantly have fun with this deck. Wich is not to say that you can’t climb with this if you play it well ,you can. Either way ,this deck is so much fun and I hope you have as much fun with it as I have!
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