So first and foremost, one of the simplest counters to this deck is an on-reveal stack deck so Cosmo is something that's fairly important in my opinion. You could probably play around with some of the lower power cards and see how it goes.
2nd Turn
3rd Turn
Sunspot + Armor on location with Angela to build up her stack
4th Turn
Anything goes
5th Turn
6th Turn
Skip this turn
7th Turn
Play Infinaut + She-Hulk at different locations so that even if you lose to a location, you could win the next location.
Sometimes Infinaut is not the best play so you can play She-Hulk and play another card at different locations.
I've found She-Hulk and Shang-Chi to be one of my most common plays, if not Infinaut.
Leader is also an annoying counter.
I usually experiment with alot of other decks but this one has so far been fun to mess around with.