Deck Description
Swarm with 1 drops and Kazar, use Dracula to Discard Chavez/Infinaut.
Deck Breakdown
Dracula Infinaut
Ant-Man 1 1
Nova 1 1
Rocket Racoon 1 1
America Chavez 1 2
Elektra 1 2
Nightcrawler 1 2
Squirrel Girl 1 2
Angela 2 2
Carnage 2 2
Dracula 4 1
Kazar 4 4
The Infinaut 6 20
Other Decks on
Test Hand
1st Sample Hand
2nd Sample Hand
3rd Sample Hand
Top 3 cards indicate opening hand and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc Draws.
Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm
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