This deck is pretty effective against lower rank players, probably until you reach gold and lower pratinum ranks.
Principal strategy is to surprise your opponent, first you choose a lane early that you want to secure ( for me the most right one). And then play Infinaut on another location that you think you can win.
Usually you're opponent will fill over confident, and Snap. I've won a lot of 8 point games, from iron back to gold
If you get sunspot in the beginning of the game perfect, becouse you will Skipp turn 5 to play Infinaut after. but is not bad if you don't.
If you don't get Infinaut by turn 5, just play normally. You always draw America Chavez on turn 6. AND Jubilee can sometimes come in clutch by straight up pulling Infinaut from de deck to the location
Armour to prevent Sunspot from being destroyed, Storm to lock the location.