So I found inspiration for this deck looking ways to maximize Electro and Jubilee. However, I soon realized the synergy between BP + Zola + Odin (I previously used BP + Zola in another deck but didn't realize the possibility of adding Odin until I unlocked Electro). Armor and Daredevil can be substituted, especially Armor. Armor is to protect Sunspot but I hardly use her because Sunspot isn't necessarily a win condition unless you focus on Infinaut. Daredevil I love as a card, so I kept him to keep me alert for turn 5 plays. Also to potentially use Leader effectively. So he kind of became a must as well especially if Electro is not pulled so you can see if retreating is necessary turn 5 if your opponent has not snapped yet.
Ideal turn order:
Turn 1 - Sunspot (or skip) on a location
Turn 2 - Daredevil (or Armor/skip) on Sunspot's location or another
Turn 3 - Electro with either Daredevil or Sunspot (or alone if those other two are together)
Turn 4 - Black Panther on final open location
Turn 5 - Armin Zola with Black Panther
Turn 6 - Odin with Armin Zola
With this combo, proceed to watch Black Panther become 32 power in two lanes with Odin. Along with Sunspot, Daredevil, and Electro added in. At least 40 power in two lanes if none were destroyed. Alternative combos include using Jubilee turn 4 to grab a big guy (like Infinaut or Odin) assuming they aren't in your hand. Or skipping turn 4 for a turn 5 Infinaut and turn 6 Taskmaster copy. Or Armin Zola to copy Infinaut twice if you realize they will win the Infinaut location. It's versatile, but this won't always work. Without Electro, the deck is very limited and your board state may be poor. So learn to retreat if your first couple turns miss these crucial cards.
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