Turn 1: skip
Turn 2: skip
Turn 3: Patriot
Turn 4: Mystique or Kazar
Turn 5: Magik
Turn 6: Onslaught
Turn 7: Ultron
Break down: Ideally, that is 16 in your ongoing lane, 30 in your magic lane, and 36 in your full bots lane. You can move Ultron to a dump lane if there is a cosmo in the ongoing lane (rare), and you can play Kazar the option to go Kazar instead of mystique opens up.
Turn 1 or Turn 2: bullseye
assuming turn two
Turn 3: draw Magik, electro, patriot, wave, or Onslaught.
Magik: play Magik and continue to combo with a free turn 5. Probably Psylocke turn 4, so you can Patriot and mystique turn 5.
Onslaught: Play onslaught and combo while possibly skipping the turn 5 Magik and instead turn 4 Psylocke into turn 5 Patriot and Mystique.
The rest you play as normal.
Bullseye turn one allows everything from before but better. The important thing is turn one bullseye into wave draw and play turn two. allows for wave into Magik or Onslaught.
Video breakdown and more decks coming to the Master Caster Channel on YouTube.