This deck try to play fast with overstatted card for their cost ( like Ant-Man (7) Ebony Maw (42) Angela (6) ) and have an empty hand at the end for Strong Guy (121) .
Early game optimal plan is to create a strong position in a location and play Ebony Maw (42) there on turn 3. Nightcrawler (91) and Cloak (26) could help you overcome Maw drawback if you're losing is lane.
Remember that you can do tricks with your movement cards and Angela (6) in order to boost her power even beyond 7.
Dracula (215) has a sweet combo with The Infinaut (129) and America Chavez (4) : if you have only The Infinaut (129) in hand on turn 5 you play America Chavez (4) on turn 6 and via discard of the big alien boost 20 power to the vampire, for a 30 points swing on the final turn. In non dreamland scenario you can dump your hand on turn 6 and still give +10 to Dracula (215) discarding America Chavez (4) .
Sometimes you have so few card available on 5 that the best play is to pass and play an unexpected The Infinaut (129) on 6 to steal the win.
Credits to TRAlfred for the original Fast Boi deck that inspired this.