Flame On! Movement Deck
Deck Description
Movement is one of the most exciting archetypes to play, but also needs a lot of attention, specially on the last round, if you have Heimdall on your hand. It's particularly trick to execute all the movements for it, and calculate it correctly, while playing locations, and the opponent. Still, while movement might not be an S tier archetype, I would find it hard to argue it being below A tier.
But it's a tad hard to play it? For sure. You gotta track a lot with it, and it's really easy to mess it up.
Sunspot if in hand goes on to win any energy that will certainly be leaking through your rounds. I don't favor Kraven on round 2, unless I have no better card to play, Iron Fist is usually my preference, and I tend to skip rounds until I get any of the engine cards: Vulture, Human Torch, or Multiple Man.
The preference is to attache Hulk Buster in sequence to any of them, I tend to prefer Human Torch because of the double power on the card.
If you have Doctor Strange on hand, and Vulture and Multiple Man, it may be a good idea to have them played before, so Doctor Strange can move both of them.
Cloak is best played on round 5, since that opens bonus points for as many movement cards as you have, and it works even better if you have Heimdall already on hand, so you can count on a finish movement next.
Try not to clog any lane with four cards before the last round to give your opponent some doubt on what comes next, as it goes.
It's a very underrated card. Kraven can pack a big power punch if you play it well. One thing that many seem to not understand is that Kraven gets +1 for every card (yours or the opponent) that moves to a location. So playing Kraven where Cloak is going to activate on round 5 can be a big surprise to your opponent, or make them to not fight against a location that is also going to receive more power after a move of your engine cards.
Instead of just placing it in the leftmost position as I've seen so many playing, mid and right positions are mathematically better positions, because you will have a chance to move Kraven to a left position later with Heimdall, and get even more bonuses from that.
Hulk Buster
Preferably ttached to any of the cards that gain power by moving. Best played on an empty location just after a card is placed, to guarantee proper attachment. I can't tell you how many squirrels in Central Park are running with Hulk Busters right now. Thicc boys.
I pulled Falcon and instantly wanted to play movement again. I use him to recover Iron Fist and Human Torch, so I get an extra movement with the two of them. Also, you can collect Raptors, Squirrels, and Shadow Ninjas with it, which will clear up space on the board for you.
America Chavez
Sounds weird, right? But yeah, this card is here to help your drawing consistency, better to fetch from eleven than twelve. I seldom put it in game, but when I do, it is decent enough that can swing some locations. Also, unexpected, which is a good thing.
The trickiest card to play in the whole deck, and one of the trickiest in the whole game. To understand what moves and what not, look to the left location, is it empty? No? How many locations are open. That's how many are going to open there, don't just look at one of them, start on the left, and then follow the order of how cards got into the location, from top left, top right, then bottom left, and bottom right, that's the order of movement, like so:
[ 1st ] [ 2nd ]
[ 3rd ] [ 4th ]
Location Synergies
Bifrost is an obvious one, and so is New York. Don't forget to use them properly for your power gains. Fisk Tower is a bad one, but you can play around it, but if the board is too toxic, might be better retreating. Death's Domain, as long as it's not in the rightmost location, might not be a problem at all, and actually, really good for the movement archetype, since you can move cards towards it without playing them directly there (you can play Cloak or Doctor Strange inside Death's Domain, losing the cards, but achieving the power gains. Kamar-Taj can be great to play Heimdall, since you can get two executions of his Rainbow Bridge. Some other obvious good candidates should be Sinister London, and Cloning Vats, these are usually better used for the engine cards, but Iron Fist can be a good one to be played there, alongside Doctor Strange, and if all else fails, America Chavez there.
You can find me on Twitch as @pegasus_snap.
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