Hold Time Stone
Turns 1-2: Quinjet, stones, beast/falcon
Turn 3: We definitely need to find +Energy card for next turn so Draw more cards if you don't have one. If you do have one play Green Goblin or Sabretooth (Green Goblin better).
Turn 4: Absolutely play Time stone, Elektro, Psylocke, or Wave this turn, play as much card draw stones you can to get Galactus and Death, Falcon and Beast may help ;). Wong will work with Time stone if you have Quinjet out, so you can draw extra cards play with stones before Galactus.
Elektro is best because it allows you to play Power stone with Thanos if you play all other stones for increased power
Turn 5: Galactus - Make sure to Snap >:D
Turn 6: Play Death, and America Chavez with the Galactus :) if you played Elektro on 4 pay attention to what stones were played, if all others, Power stone can be used this turn with Thanos for insane Power
Thanos and America Chavez are in the deck for consistent card draws.