My variation on the DeathWave deck.
EDIT: Removed Okoye and Jubilee after they were nerfed. Replaced them with The Hood and Mysterio who both provide good destroy targets and good cheap value.
Didn't see a version on here that had the cards I'm using, so here it is. Pulled Death as one of my first pool 3 cards and she's the only one you really need.
IMPORTANT: This deck focuses on a specific combo that you're always aiming to pull off, but has options in case it doesn't work out. The 4-cost discount from Wave stacks with the discount you're building up on Death , so your goal is to kill at least two things so that you can play Wave on turn 5, then play Death AND America Chavez or another big drop on turn 6 while your opponent can only play one card.
Extra bonus if you have Odin in hand, you can play Wave on turn 4, then Odin her on turn 5 to really lock out your opponent.
Yondu and Elektra destroy cards for your discount, Okoye is a good destroy target, and obviously you want to kill Bucky Barnes with Carnage or Deathlok
Jubilee is nice as backup in case you don't get some of your combo pieces. And Hulk is just there for another big drop you can cheat out. I'd like to replace him with Magneto or someone else at some point but I don't have any good options yet.
There are lots of other cards you can try running in this deck, Deadpool or Nakia for example, so just try it out! I tried Nova but he just isn't good anymore.