My current iteration of the Jubilee Deck. The idea is to have Jubilee, Sunspot & Wave to get you to the end of the game and play as many big cards as possible.
Must have Cards - Jubilee, Sunspot, Wave
Flex cards - Leader. I have used Magneto and other big cards in place.
Tech Cards - Shang-Chi, This card has won many so many games it's not funny. You could replace with scarlet witch/enchantress/armor/ other tech cards if you feel the meta is going that way.
The Dino in the Room: Since the nerf to 4 mana Dino feels a lot worse in this deck as there is not much that you can play on turn 3 if you don't have Wave. However I haven't figured out a replacement that I currently like better.
Against agro decks you can use wave as a combo stopper. Wave turn 4 then odin turn 5 will spot any big 'miracle' combo. Don't make the mistake to wave 3 and odin 4 against these decks. They can play up to 6 Cards on Turn 6 if they have Sera.
Leader is a great card. If you are ahead on 2 locations on turn 5 you can almost always guarantee a win. Also great played after wave and then with an odin on turn 6 again.