This deck got me into rank 70. Main goal is: Wong on 4, then Hazmat+Iron Heart on 5, then Odin on 6. If you can't get both on turn 5, at least one of them should assure you victory as long as you have Wong and Odin.
Hood, Viper and Goblin are there just to disturb your opponent.
Luke cage is a must play when you have Hazmat and Wong/Odin in hand. Colossus is a stand-alone card, you can evaluate when he is necessary or not, depending on the locations and hand in-game.
Typhoid mary is a good 10 power to boost up some location if you're struggling with your hand.
Adam Warlock and Yellow Jacket are there to give you some draw power if your hand sucks. You can play them on the same location on turn 2 (first the jacket just to assure you don't have that -1).