Deck Description
So I don't have all the cards to this deck yet, I'm still missing ghost rider and colleen wing and instead using jubilee and Morbius who honestly might still deserve a spot. Anyways I am using the current build so sword master is a 3 cost still and black panther is a 5 cost. but with that out of the way this is a fun combo deck with a few paths to victory depending on what gets discarded. You generally want to play in just two locations until turn 5 where you make the decision to play Black Panther alone in the third location for an arnim zola trigger or fill it up so that you get the right amount of reanimation targets to wherever you need them.
Sunspot: usual great one drop for filling out weird spots in the curve and the rare occasion of skipping turn 5 for infinaut when he's in hand but usually just random 2-8 power
Blade: discards turn 1 sometimes I skip playing him till I have a higher chance of discarding something useful
Swarm: is amazing when discarded and holding him till turn 6 so that you can fill in empty slots to ensure where you want your Hela reanimation cards to slot in.
Wolverine: likes being discarded
Moon Knight: is great disruption and my favorite discard enabler. If you can make copies with a location priortize it asap to empty your enemies hand
Colleen Wing: I can't wait to try as she'll discard swarm and wolverine more consistently before I had lady Sif but discarding the wrong 6 drop can be back breaking so I took her out
Sword Master: just solid stats with discard attached
Ghost Rider: is gonna be a back up for Hela if you discard her or the infinaut early hold off on discarding more to make sure you pull them back out, especailly since arnim zola goes off extra hard if you eat hela or the infinaut
Black Panther: is your back up win con with arnim zola, make sure to play them alone turn 5 and zola in the same spot turn 6 for the big 16 power in two locations that you ideally only played 3 cards in each. Also works great with reanimation as a big power jump. You can also just go ham by getting the combo to "randomly occur" by filling your locations so that they are just enough spots for this to happen properly (still a little rng but usually anything arnim eats besides swarm and wolverine will be game winning)
Arnim Zola: the combo man/machine! Get him to eat Black Panther the Infinaut or in very specific situations Hela. If you have discarded discard enablers like sword master reanimating them with the first copied hela will bring back anything you have left in hand with the second copy. Just make sure you leave space at locations in the early turns if this looks like it might happen.
The Infinaut: simply nothing is bigger I tried apocaplyse but the problem is you still have to cast him after he gets big. It's still usually better to cast hela or arnim turn 6 that skipping turn 5 to cast the infinaut as the power you're getting is spread over multiple locations. But other times you just need one big boi.
Hela: the queen of the deck cast her early and often as mentioned before arnim can act as a sort of odin if she gets dragged onto the battlefield before the graveyard is stocked otherwise make sure you fill spaces so that you can hedge your bets and getting the reanimation targets where you want them
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2 years agoBlack panther is a 5/4 card now