(Needs testing,helpful feedbacks are appreciated)
This deck's main purpose is to allow you to play all infinity stones,cards that helps you with this goal and cards that become more valauble because of the infinity stones being played has been gathered for this deck.
Thanos - The Superstar of the deck
Ant-Man - Ant-Man achieving his ability will be easy to do because of the infinity stones filling up half of our board.
Quinjet - Quinjet reduces the cost of the infinity stones,making them free,this allows us to continue on playing the stones while playing other cards that helps us push some power
Angela - We can easily make her a 2-7 because of the infinity stones having to be played
Beast - Beast will allow us to play the infinity stones once again, and for free, by replaying the infinity stones we can draw to even more infinity stones,nearly assuring that Thanos will become 18 power, or that we will draw Thanos himself if we haven't yet
Mojo - She is technically the same as Ant-Man,but stronger
Armor - Two of the infinity stones have ongoing abilities,we'd want these cards to stay on the board, Armor is our best friend for this, make sure to reserve some space on her location for those stones
Falcon - Falcon mainly serves as a backup for Beast, he's better to play if the infinity stones are scattered rather that being in one location
Bishop - Because of playing the infinity stones and filling up our board, Bishop is likely to get big in power, he's one of the power pushers in this deck besides Thanos
Lockjaw - Since we are prioritizing on bringing out all the infinity stones, we can swap our low cost cards for likely one of the stones with Lockjaw, Falcon is the best card in this deck for him.
Kazar - About half of the cards on the board will be one cost because of the infinity stones, Kazar will make the infinity stones even more valuable
Valkyrie - And last but not the least, Valkyrie will make the other infinity stones have the same power as the power stone,and unless the opponent has cards that can push power on her location, that location is yours since Kazar's buff will increase the stones' power making them superior to enemy cards on that location
I'm still trying to wrap my head around whether the stones have to stay on the board or do you just have to play them to buff up Thanos,but even if it's the second one, Kazar's value should not decrease as a huge part of our deck will be the infinity stones.
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