Move your cards where they need to be or move your opponent's cards to where they don't want them. This deck is mostly just a fun idea I had that I find performs suprisingly well.
Kraven and Miles work well with all the cards in your deck as you'll constantly be moving your cards and your opponents cards, letting you power up Kraven and reducing Miles' cost down to 1.
You can place Mojo down as early as T2 as your opponent will likely want to avoid filling up the location where he is. Then you can play Polaris, Aero, and/or Magneto to fill that location anyway. You could also use Cloak to move him to a location that the opponent has already filled and move your other cards to fill up your side. Nightcrawler and potentially Captain Marvel can move to that location to fill your side as well.
Use Iron Fist and Cloak to move Dagger to where your opponent has plenty of cards on their side.
Kingpin can be used on T6 with Polaris, Aero or Magneto to destroy your enemies cards.
Captain Marvel and Kingpin are the hit or miss cards of this deck, that will either flip the game on its head and score you the win or have little to no effect whatsoever, depending on the cards Kingpin destroys or whether or not Captain Marvel can move to a location that wins you the game. Before moving your opponent's cards to Kingpin's location, first check the board to see if it would even be worth doing if you play Polaris or Magneto.
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