The main goal of the deck is to put in play The Infinaut (129) avoiding his drawback and energy cost.
The primary method will be discarding via Lady Sif (73) or Blade (18) then bring him back with Ghost Rider (49) or Hela (305) .
We could also try to cheat The Infinaut (129) , or another big guys, into play with Jubilee (66) .
Finally we have Dracula (215) that gain the power of the discarded card.
Moon Girl (84) could double our enablers ( Lady Sif (73) , Jubilee (66), Blade (18) , Ghost Rider (49) ) for multiple turns of shenanigans.
Quicksilver (101) and Domino (40) give us guarantee turn 1 and 2 plays ; also with America Chavez (4) they improve the consistency of our deck (we want to draw Hela (305) as late as possible and have our big cards on top of the deck for Jubilee (66) ).