the idea of this deck is to get The Infinaut or Devil Dinosaur out early during the Project Pegasus hot location event. if you get a location 1 Project Pegasus and either of those in your opening hand you're golden. with The Infinaut and Uatu the Watcher in your opener make sure to check if there's a Project Pegasus in the other two locations and plan ahead accordingly to play The Infinaut immediately. generally if you don't draw The Infinaut by turn 5 don't bother skipping the turn, especially if you have Devil Dinosaur in your hand as this is our alternative win condition. Sandman is in the deck to limit your opponent's moves on a skipped turn 5 into a turn 6 The Infinaut. Moon Girl of course can double your hand size for a Devil Dinosaur buff, which can come before or after playing it. it can sometimes be worth skipping turn 6 entirely if you have Sunspot and Devil Dinosaur out as they will both benefit from it. Jessica Jones is a nice turn 4 play when you have The Infinaut as you definitely aren't going to play anything after her, and this deck generally doesn't put a lot of cards on the board so Namor is also a great option on turn 4. Scarlet Witch and Cosmo are mostly for screwing up your opponent's plays, again feel free to skip the turn with Sunspot or Devil Dinosaur in play instead of them. White Queen and Cable just add a little extra card generation for buffing Devil Dinosaur, may be the weakest part of the deck so let me know if you have any ideas for replacing them.
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