The gist of this deck is to lockdown a location with storm, and then use either Devil Dino + Chavez, or Infinaut to get location 2.
TURN 1, stack all your playable cards into one location. Ideally a location with equal power or zero power.
-If on turn 1 you do not have a drop, that is okay.
-Ideally on turn 1, you want to get SUNSPOT, LIZARD, and STORM and/or a 4 drop on the opening, and then hope you draw the latter by round 3.
TURN 2, play a 2 drop card on your 1 drop location, if you did not play a 1 drop, simply play the 2 drop on a location with zero or equal power.
- If you played a card 1 drop, stack it there. (pretty self explanatory)
TURN 3 A, If you do not have storm nor a 4 drop, you may retreat or play without guarrantee of winning the location stacked on.
- try to distract opponent by playing on other location or continue stacking. (your on your own here, OUCH ROUTE)
TURN 3 B, If you drew storm, do one of the following:
1) If the opponent has more power in the stacked location, play storm in a location with the smallest power gap. (or mindgame)
2) If your power is greater or equal, play STORM there.
TURN 4, Play a 4 drop in the stormed location.
-If the opponent already has a card here and the power is still balanced, best case is to play WARPATH without fear of NAMOR
-If the opponent did not play a card last turn, beware of SHEHULK, you must play WARPATH unless you the opponent has 1 less power.
-If you do not have warpath, you may play JESSICA JONES, however it can be beaten by a 10 power card. 1 less power opponent needed.
-You may play Jubilee if you have already played the low power cards (this is a gamble)
TURN 5, If you have drawn THE INFINAUT. pass this turn and play it on the next turn.
-If you do not have THE INFINAUT but have our DINO friend, play it on the location with the smallest power gap or most opponent cards. BEST CASE YOU HAVE 4 CARDS IN HAND AFTER PLAYING DINO (DINO POWER = 11)
TURN 6, Play THE INFINAUT on the location with the least opposing power.
-if you played the dino, simply play chavez on the location with least opposing power. (20 power if you have 4 cards left in hand)
SNAP RULES (safest snaps first)
-SNAP on turn 5 if you won the stormed location and have drawn either DEVIL DINO or THE INFINAUT
-SNAP if you won the stormed location IMMEDIATELY
-SNAP if you won the stormed location without using a 4 drop (you can use the 4 drops as an alternative to DINO or INFINAUT if not drawn)
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