Infinite rank (102) with this deck only atm. Insane combos all around with the one and only Odin, Enchantress for all dinos around and elektra for sunspot.
Nightcrawler -> Mister Sinister/Okoye -> Wolfsbane is the best start in general, you then have great versitility to play depending on the locations and your opponent.
I dont even play Odin most of the times when im up vs devil dino, just play on curve and save enchantress for turn 6 and surprise them. Use it wisely against zoo decks aswell (blue marvel etc).
Vs multiple man decks your sheer power with ironheart + white tiger + odin should just win you the matchup straight up, try to play on the right-most location.
America Chavez is if you dont pull odin in time and Gamora if you dont pull white tiger, Gamora + Odin is great for certain powerful locations aswell