Please comment for suggestions. Currently the average power is 20 across 3 locations.
The goal of the deck is to have a high average power over 3 locations. To do this we have Blue Marvel and Kazar as the main finishers and America Chavez and Lockjaw as insurance to find them. The current version contains dead draws at times depending on your hand state so be prepared for avoiding playing our finishers sometimes.
We run five 1 drops with above average power to maximize tempo on turn 1-2, maximize Kazar, and fuel lockjaw turn 4-6. They must be above average power as insurance for bad lockjaw rng (ie rocket-->Angela turn 4).
All 3 drops are trying to maximize power. Mr Fantastic allows helps unplayable locations (Ebony Maw )and to leverage turn 3-4's power distribution for more flexibility. Maximus, Captain America, Iron Heart, and Wolfsbane don't clog the board(if we run squirrel and sinister) and are both lockjaw substitutes and turn 6 finishers.
Angela, Chavez, & Nightcrawler work together to contest specific locations and are prone to be not played mid game if the board state is not obvious.
To use lockjaw, we have 6 tutor targets. If you're hand is holding all the high cost cards, don't play lockjaw. If there is an endgame where a 1 drop must be put on lockjaw, place the lowest power card there(nightcrawler, rocket, squirrel, angela) to maximize the chance of keeping high power cards on the field. On turn 4-6, if lockjaw is played on curve, play every cheap card possible to increase the odds of a good tutor. Rocket > Squirrel > Ant-Man> Angela > Nightcrawler are the highest priority cards to place as they gain value for future draws/tutors.
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