Warning - This is not a consistent deck. I would imagine a climb to infinte would be hard using this deck.
This deck is a ton of fun though. When all goes right, you hide wong, Gambit, and Odin behind invisible woman. When the game ends (assuming you have dodged Cosmo), Gambit destroys six cards on the other side, which can often wipe it clean. At very least, it weakens the other side enough to win.
Wakanda as a location can be a bummer, because Gambit can get caught up trying to kill the same card over and over without success. The same is true for armor.
Killmonger helps with zoo decks, when the numbers get to many for Gambit, but you can pick other counters here depending on the meta. She-Hulk and Sunspot offer other avenues to win, but sunspot is vulnerable because you don't have armor and may need killmonger.
Bishop is mostly a recon card, because knowing what you are facing early helps with decisions and cube management, you could use any recon card here, just not too expensive, because if all goes right, but turn four you know what you want to be playing.
White Tiger or Iron Heart are good alternates when you don't get Gambit. Wolverine is a free three drop when Gambit fires him.
If things are going sideways and you want to go with She-Hulk, playing Psylocke turn 4 and letting all 6 resources go to sunspot, gives you a free She-Hulk to drop at the end along with Odin.
Be careful not to drop Gambit on Wong without Invisible Woman, you may end up discarding something you want to play trun 6.
Have fun!