Miracle Deck
Jane Foster Mighty Thor Deck
5.0 Rating
Deck Description
This deck uses the miracle strategy to absolutely destroy opponents.
The way to play is by setting up cards like Luke Cage, Thor and Elsa Bloodstone, and then on turn five play Jane Foster. Turn six spam out Hit Monkey, Kitty Pryde a 2 cost and all of your 0 cost cards to fill as many locations as possible and win in as many as posible.
Deck Breakdown
Miracle Deck
Wasp 0 1
Yellowjacket 0 2
Kitty Pryde 1 1
Angela 2 2
Shadow King 2 2
Bishop 3 1
Hit Monkey 3 2
Elsa Bloodstone 3 3
Mobius M. Mobius 3 3
Luke Cage 3 4
Thor 3 4
Jane Foster Mighty Thor 5 8
Other Decks on marvelsnap.io
Test Hand
1st Sample Hand
2nd Sample Hand
3rd Sample Hand
Top 3 cards indicate opening hand and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc Draws.
Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm
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