Deck Description
carte chiave: MODOK , Apocalypse , Swarm , Lockjaw , Morbius e Dracula.
America Chavez aiuta a favorire la combo.
Wasp sinergizza con Jane Foster Mighty Thor e Lockjaw.
Deck Breakdown
YouTube Video
America Chavez 1 2
Blade 1 3
Morbius 2 0
Swarm 2 3
Colleen Wing 2 4
Lady Sif 3 5
Sword Master 3 7
Dracula 4 1
Lockjaw 4 5
Hellcow 4 8
Apocalypse 6 6
Other Decks on
Test Hand
1st Sample Hand
2nd Sample Hand
3rd Sample Hand
Top 3 cards indicate opening hand and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc Draws.
Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm
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