Heavy focus on repeated movement throughout the power ramp.
Play Nightcrawler early on in any zone, with priority for movement later being right-to-left. You should be trying to keep open space to the left as much as realistically possible with whatever zones you are shown, and how your opponent plays. This is so that Heimdall can be used most effectively later.
Do not play Elektra until the opponent has placed a 1 cost to eliminate. The best case would be to hold onto her until the opponent has committed to buffing their 1 cost, rather than taking them out asap. Again, use your judgment on that.
Try to hold on to Iron Fist until you have the energy to follow it up with Multiple Man, or Vulture on the same turn, or one of them is waiting in your hand to play at the start of the next round. Ideally, this combo is to be played after Kraven is already on the field to receive the dupe. Multiple Man should take priority over Vulture should you have both.
Use Cloak to engage more movements around whatever zones you are given. Ironheart and Hulk Buster are extra valuable if you can buff a Multiple Man before moving him, as his copy will copy itself with the buffed power.
Spider-Woman could be swapped if you have a preferred alternate 5 cost, but I really like bringing her out to simmer out a zone where an enemy is getting just a bit too far above the curve. If the hand allows, you can also play her combo with a previous-turn Iron Fist to debuff one zone, but add her power to another. This could also work with Doctor Strange, but it's better to play Heimdall on turn 6 if you have him.
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