Has been tested in Vibranium Rank, results: 61 WIN, 39 LOSE, 0 TIE, with total +36 cubes.
Kingpin (turn 3-5) then Aero (turn-6) BAM!
Kingpin (turn 3-5) then Magneto (turn-6) BAM!
Storm (turn 3) then JJ/Spiderman (turn 4), BAM!
Storm (turn 4) then Aero (turn 5), BAM!
Miles Morales Spider-man can be played any turn when card move. Move card with Nightcrawler or Cloak. Dagger can be a powerhouse when you move it with Cloak to the right place.
Put Kraven together with Kingpin for securing a location at turn 6. New York location OR Aero/Magneto avaiable in your hand.
Chavez for consistency draw either Aero or Magneto.
Best combo: Kraven (turn 2), Kingpin (turn 3), Spiderman (turn 5), Magneto/Aero (turn 6). BAM! BAM! BAM!
Try it!