Having Discard targets is a lot more important than having discarders.
Consider swapping Sunspot for Blade. Consider swapping Gambit for Sword Master. In short: the unpredictability of the "random discard" of Blade and Sword Master is far hard to manage than the behavior of Colleen Wing (discard the lowest-cost card) and the behavior of Lady Sif (discard the highest-cost card).
Dracula is Shang-Chi resistant and is an excellent candidate for playing at Bar Sinister. If Dracula is on the board, it's often smarter to play multiple discarders on turn 6 rather than a 6-point fatty. Doing so beefs up Morbius AND gives you more control of what Dracula will end up discarding. Avoid leaving Swarm in-hand at the end of turn 6 in this situation: if the discarders target Swarm, you'll be left with multiple Swarms in-hand, increasing the likelihood that Dracula discards a Swarm rather than a high-power card.
It is enjoyable when discarders target Wolverine, Swarm, and (of course) Apocalypse. Don't fixate on this: often it's best to play Wolverine and Swarm as-is, in order to control what your hand looks like going into the final rounds.