Deck Description
Basic deck covering cards in Pool 1 as I've leveled, will adjust as new cards unlock.
Basic idea is get low cost cards spread around, take advantage of board buffs where possible, utilze Kazar (68) , Blue Marvel (19) and Captain America (22) to spread the buffs. Hulk can lock down wins putting lanes out reach just due to his sheer stats.
Namor (90) can put pressure on your opponent as well as 10 stats in a lane forces play.
Work in Progress.
Deck Breakdown
OnGoing V2
Ant-Man 1 1
Elektra 1 2
Quicksilver 1 2
Angela 2 2
Domino 2 3
Captain America 3 3
Kazar 4 4
Jessica Jones 4 5
Namor 4 6
The Thing 4 6
Blue Marvel 5 3
Hulk 6 12
Other Decks on
Test Hand
1st Sample Hand
2nd Sample Hand
3rd Sample Hand
Top 3 cards indicate opening hand and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc Draws.
Shuffled using Fisher Yates algorithm
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