Deck Description
Brief Description
Quinjet: MUST HAVE! Allows you to play all your Infinity Stones for 0 cost.
Beast: Recommended. Allows you to recycle important cards like Quinjet, Mind Stone, Time Stone, and Buffed Carnage while reducing their cost by 1. Falcon is a possible alternative, however it only returns 1-cost cards to your hand and does not reduce cost.
Carnage: Highly Recommended only if running Death. Provides a easy 2/6 or 2/8, clears the location, and reduce Death's cost.
Bishop: Optional. Potential Win-condition - can get to at least 3/6 easily, more if Quinjet's Ongoing is active.
Cosmo: Highly Recommended. Protects your high power cards such as Carnage (posssibly), Bishop (possibly), Devil Dino (likely) from Shang Chi; also protects Power Stone, Quinjet, Devil Dino from Enchantress or Rogue. Can also be used offensively to stop Wong. Armor is a possible alternative if you are only looking to stop Shang Chi or protect your Power Stone from Killmonger.
Killmonger: Highly Recommended only if running Death. Clears all the 1-Costs cards from all the locations (including Quinjet sadly). Significantly reduces Death's cost.
Lockjaw: Optional. It is useful to help to either (i) play other Infinity Stones from the Deck; or (ii) play high cost cards such as Devil Dino, Magik, Thanos, or Death from the Deck. However, it does not work well if Beast, Carnage or Cosmo is played from the Deck.
Shang Chi: Highly Recommended only if running Death. Good tech card which acts as a good counter to prevent the opponent from building high power cards (e.g. Venom, Death) in a location since running Destroy themed cards also feeds opposing Destroy themed decks. Helps to stop Arnim Zola or Taskmaster plays too - if you have initiative, play it in the same location as the opposing high power card. If opponent has initiative (and assuming you have Cosmo in a different lane), play it in the last lane to destroy any Zola-ed cards or Taskmaster played in a different location.
Devil Dinosaur: Highly Recommended. Win-condition - the Infinity Stones have strong draw power which buffs Devil Dinosaur. Taskmster is a good alternative to copy Death's power and reduce reliance on hand size.
Magik: Optional. Having a Turn 7 generally makes most deck more forgiving in terms of obtaining their win-conditions. This is especially true for this Deck, where you may not have destroyed enough cards and Death is at 7 cost, or the one extra draw and 7 mana could help you complete playing one last Infinity Stone and Thanos to enjoy that sweet 18 power. Of course, this would also mean that your opponent will enjoy those same benefits.
Thanos: Core of the Deck, what else is there to say.
Death: Highly Recommend. Win-condition. The Infinity Stones while useful for their On Reveals, are no longer useful after being played (apart from the Power Stone), worse it takes up space in the locations. As such, the Carnage, Killmonger and Death engine complements this Deck well. Taskmster is a good alternative to copy Devil Dinosaur's power and stay unaffected by changes of hand size.
Things to Note
1. Where possible, play Mind Stone as soon as possible, this places the other Infinity Stones in the Deck and make it less vulnerable to cards like Yondu or Cable.
2. Hold the Power Stone in your hand until the last moment to increase its chance of remaining on a location and providing the +10 power buff to Thanos.
3. Use Space Stone with greater consideration to work around locations like Sanctum Santorum, Luke's Bar, Death Altar, Vormir. Sometimes, sending a buffed Bishop can make all the difference.
4. Do not tunnel vision into trying to play all the Infinity Stones. Firstly, more often than not, you will not be able to get to play all the Infinity Stones and Thanos. Use Carnage, Bishop, Devil Dinosuar, Death to build your win-conditions; Cosmo, Killmonger, Shang Chi to disrupt your opponent's play.
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