Deck Description
Patriot decks are a dime a dozen and all pretty samey as you just throw in everything without abilities and pray for the best. So here is the lowest level version I think is viable to start playing this deck and I'm going to try and go through what I I excluded and what I'd add as you aquire them below the card by card break down.
To play this deck you really just need Patriot (obviously), Blue Marvel (as a secondary anthem) and most of all Ultron to fill the board with ideally 4 power dudes but most often 3 power drones. Everything else is just bonus power to each location or become really solid upgrades like Mystique, Mysterio, and Debrii. An ideal game has you filling a single location with Ultron being the 4th card played there, anything played at other locations should just be bonus power to it. Or you curve out spreading the plain bros around and stacking Patriot, Marvel, and Onslaught all in one place, but this is typically weaker.
Iceman: Great disruption but could easily be changed for something else.
Scorpion: Same as Iceman, again I'll go over what those could be at the bottom.
Shocker: The most basic of bros and the most filler of cards, really just an extra power to a location by end game but still better that mister sinister as you don't really need to take up extra slots you want maximum dronage from Ultron if possible. Could easily be replaced by Mysterio as the extra bodies are more siginficant than just one two power guy.
Cyclops: Same as shocker just filler for a bit of extra power and is the most direct replacement for Mystique or Debrii.
Brood: Oddly enough the two extra bodies makes all the difference compared to Sinister, but more importantly all in one location. Its great to fill up a location in response to a Storm or any other location that is about to be locked off. But also leaves you with a spot to drop Ultron for an extra boost or leave a drone for the end game.
Cosmo: Is mostly just here to stop the meance that is Wong as being left unchecked pretty much beats anything currently available. Sometimes he's just left in hand but I rather be prepared than retreating. Becareful not to but a location with him only to have Ultron get stopped by mistake. Also can protect Patriot if you feel they are playing control cards like Enchantress or Rogue.
Patriot: The basis of the deck and the most important card to play at any turn except probably turn 6 unless you also have Mystique in the deck in which case you drop them back to back for a serious surge in power even if it is a bit telegraphed by the plain bros you'll be dropping early on.
The Thing: Just what is available from the start, The Void is a directly better upgrade with a bonus power and argueably cooler art.
Blue Marvel: A Backup Patriot that also hits your nonplain bros, also fits nicely in the curve. You should try to stack with Patriot if you're going to go for the Onslaught turn 6, which tend to be games you've curved out nicely.
Abomination: In this deck is just a cheaper Hulk as he'll be buffed and will push over the top of any location that needs to win for bonuses like the Baxter Building.
Onslaught: Before I had this slot as the Hulk but it made the deck too linear, Onslaught lets you go all in on your ongoings and lean away from Ultron while having a big top end to boot.
Ultron: The second half of the combo and should be played every game he can just make sure you setup for him to maximize dronage.
Noteable exlusions or upgrades:
Wasp: just not worth the slot for what you're getting, I feel she is meant for decks that care about playing a lot of cards a turn.
Squirrel Girl/Misty Knight: Ultron will do everything they can do, its better to disrupt your opponent somehow
Mister Sinister: Again only one body I rather do something disrupting if I'm not comboing with his clone somehow ala forge or Iron Heart on curve.
Invisible Girl: could be good if you want to hid your ongoings to bait those snaps I just don't have her.
Mysterio: in this deck is a better squirrel girl that becomes worth it because the hidden 5 power matters.
Mystique: gives you a second Patriot/Blue Marvel what could be better.
Debrii: also an auto include if you have her, filling up the opponents slots is good on its own especially if your rocks are 3 power.
Kazar: is out mostly because he only works with Ultron in this version. You don't want to expose yourself to Killmonger any more than you have to and Kazar asks you to play in to the murderous baddie.
Doctor Doom: Is very similar to Ultron but in this case the more bodies the better for the extra power. You could probably put him in over Onslaught though as a second Ultron, redundency is king in this game after all.
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