A fairly standard Ka-Zar zoo deck with Sunspot + Infinaut to help the end game. The game plan is to play your 1 drops early, getting incremental value from Sunspot if you draw him since you'll likely be floating some mana. Then, if you draw The Infinaut, you skip your turn 5, giving +5 to Sunspot, then winning a location with The Infinaut. Otherwise, the deck is played like a normal Ka-Zoo deck that can gain some small value from Sunspot without Infinaut or sometimes being able to skip turn 5 without Sunspot and still winning with Infinaut.
Storm is an interesting piece to help lockdown locations you're already winning in, locking down the location you have Sunspot in so you can continue increase the power, or possibly baiting your opponents to commit resources to a location then going on to winning the other two.
Most of the one drop cards can be swapped for others that you prefer. The two that I'd always keep are Sunpot and Squirrel Girl. Iceman is one that is obtained in Pool 2 that'd be good and isn't included in my list because I don't have him yet. Ebony Maw is another that might play well into Sunspot's and Storm's play style well.