This deck uses the power of Ronan the Accuser to overpower the opponent. If you open with Nebula it is always a strong turn one play, after this on turn 2 onwards you need to focus on filling your opponents hand with cards such as Sentry or a Widow's bite. Then on turn 5 or 6 six play your Ronan and then use Arnim Zola the turn after to duplicate a card such as Ronan or Master Mold to gain a sudden power spike.
Anther powerful card in this deck is Wong which will allow your cards like Black Widow and Master Mold to actuvate twice, therefore doubling the amount of power you give to your Ronan.
Lastly the deck uses some genericaly powerful cards such as Jeff to always make sure he can be played, Mobius M. Mobius which makes sure that any cards you give to your opponent or allow them to draw can not be somehow made cheaper and finally shang-chi as a good way to deal with your opponents powerful cards.