A very basic on-reveal deck you can make pretty much right away that will work with just minor modifications as you move through pools. Your game plan is too drop Odin on some combination of Medusa, Ironheart, Wolfsbane, White Tiger, and Gamora to get as many of their effects off final turn as possible, so don't worry about using Ironheart/Wolfsbane a little early as long as you can re-reveal them. If you want to update it, just slowly start replacing everyone not mentioned by name (other then Jessica Jones) with new on-reveal cards until you become confident enough to make your own deck from scratch.
Good pool one choices to replace 1-costs are Squirrel Girl, Yondu, Korg, Rocket Racoon, and Elektra and good 2-cost choices are Cable, Forge, and Scarlet Witch.