The main idea of this deck is to get big guns out via a few possible paths. Either by skipping turn 3 to get She Hulk out on 4 and follow with taskmaster, red skull or Dracula then drop Red Skull, hulk or taskmaster (if following Red Skull).
The second path involves dropping Dracula on 4, Red Skull on 5 and Taskmaster on 6. This strategy needs as few lower power cards in hand as possible. If no Taskmaster in hand turn 6 MIGHT require playing what few cheap cards you have to guarantee a large copy from Dracula.
The other path involves dropping Psylocke on 4, skipping 5 and dropping infinaut and She Hulk on 6. Bonus if you can get sunspot down and behind armor by then.
Black Cat is there to help increase Dracula's chances of discarding a powerful card. Nightcrawler is there as a cheap round 6 move to give any location a slight bump. Though there are no Destroy cards, Death is there to either be Dracula'd or to be a cheap to free drop if facing a Destroy deck.