Turn 1: "Okay DCCOMICS hasn't put a card down, that's fine I guess."
Turn 2: "No card AGAIN? Okay fine maybe I'll get my combo off!"
Turn 3: Either: "Lol a 2 cost card, time to snap" or "Wait, NO card at turn 3? Definite snap. DCCOMICS is clearly new!"
Turns 4-6: "Wait, what?"
With this deck you can deploy 2 massive 6-cost cards. Or use Onslaught and Odin to ramp one location. Or get Jubilee to pull Giganto, Infinaut or Odin. Win a game with 4 good cards! Minimalist. Tranquil. Zen.
Totally weak to early lockdown cards like Storm, and Shang-Chi really shuts your day down. If you don't draw Electro or Jubilee by end of turn 2, GET OUTTA THERE.
Just for fun deck. And it is VERY fun.