This is my Reveal deck, i have build it a while ago when ive finally gotten Wong.
This deck is pretty straight forward you rely on your reveals to win, the combo you want is on 1 field Wong + Ironheart + White Tiger + Odin.
Ways to achieve this, is by always pick 1 location to use Odin on. On that location you drop your cards you want to trigger twice. Since Wong is a 4 drop and Ironheart is 3, you can put Iron heart first and Odin + Wong will trigger it twice anyways.
Zabu is in here so you can drop Wong earlier plus Absorbing man and Jubilee will also become 2 power.
Sunspot is in here since sometimes waiting for the perfect combo makes you waste energy, and sunspot helps with that.
Okoye combos well with Jubilee and Thor.
Iceman and Scorpion are there to mess up your opposing players hand, since they are both 2 drops the best way to decide which to use is.
If they have a lot of cards use Scorpion, if they dont better use Okoye. Also if you have Jubilee in hand and Thor use Okoye.
Absorbing man is a good addition but has some kinks, for example. Dropping Wong and Absorb on the same turn using Zabu makes Absorb do nothing since Wong was the last card used and doesnt has a Reveal ability.
If Absorb gets put down due to Jubilee ability he will NOT copy Jubilee but the last card before that you played with Reveal.
If you put down Absorb on Wong's location, he will only trigger once. This is because his FIRST reveal is COPY so that will go twice meaning it only goes once. BUT if Odin drops his new reveal will go off multiple times.
For Jubilee be careful with her ability is very RNG based, also doesnt work with Wong that good. It wastes spots on that location you could use a better card for, also dropping Odin does nothing for you.
Jubilee and White Tiger dont mix well if you want to build your board with tigers.
So ways to win:
Either drop down shit ton of Tigers with Wong + White Tiger + Absorbing man + Odin.
Buff everything with Wong + Iron Heart + Absorbing Man + Odin.
Put your deck on the field using Jubilee, be careful with this its random.
I had a ton of fun with this deck and can do some crazy shennanigans.
Have fun using it! :)
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