The theory around this deck is to overwhelm locations swiftly with large power cards like Ebony Maw, Maximus and Lizard.
This should cause your opponent to work hard to re-take the filled location. You should ONLY be working to win 2 locations, so this is your chance to choose where the opponent is ignoring.
There's some impactful cards to play before round 5
Dare Devil (important to know if you can wait to play Infinaut on turn 6) - Optional: Get a random card using Agent 13
Sunspot (to generate power during your round-5 pause),
Jubilee (two card in a location),
Jessica Jones (great play at round 4),
Namor (if you have an empty spot), (alternative cards: Maximus)
Cosmo (keep the opponent from using Reveal cards) and
Scarlet Witch to edit a location as needed.
Turn 1
Play Agent 13 or Sunspot
Turn 2
Play Sunspot or Dare Devil
Turn 3
Play Lizard and Ebony Maw (same location as turn 1 or turn 2)
Turn 4
Play Jessica Jones (if you have The Infinaut in your hand). If not, play Jubilee (to pull Infinaut) or play Cosmo where it could adversly affect Destruction Deck opponents (ensuring they don't use Elektra on Sunspot)
Turn 5
Skip if you have Infinaut in your hand. Sunspot should get +5 for your unused energy.
Turn 6
Our big reveal, after not playing anything on round 5, is to drop The Infinaut to shock-and-awe.
Optional last-play cards: Leader is a great end if you don't have The Infinaut. I've also has some success playing Maxumis or Ultron
I've found in play testing that replacing Sandman with Ultron provides an alternative Big Reveal in the event you are unable to use The Infinaut.
Replacing Agent 13 with Dare Devil also provides some options.
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