Definitely a WIP. Have reached Platinum so far while working on this.
Object is to reach the last turn with a low-to-zero cost Death, a large number of 3 cost cards in the field, and a silver surfer to buff all those 3's. (NOTE: graphic still shows a 4-cost surfer card but that is 3-cost now)
In early game, focus on setting up a multi-card destroy with Carnage or Venom. Squirrel Girl and Sinister are basically here to rack up the count of destroyed cards for Death
Mid game, try to use Venom and Killmonger to rack up the kills for Death, and for Venom to hold your location's power in a 3-cost card. If Venom is buffed enough from this (i.e. eats a 6-8 power Carnage plus Winter Soldier), you will risk Shang Chi to give it that Surfer buff later.
My favorite Turn 6 with this deck: 0-cost death + Brood in a location with 3 empty spaces + silver surfer to buff all three Brood cards plus any other 3's still out. Even better if Nakia buffed Brood prior to this.
*EDIT* So one whole day after I posted this, wolvie gets his buff where he gains +2 after he's destroyed, and this deck may already be obsolete! I'm doing some grind w him in place of sinister. But I dont wanna make a new post until I finally get a deadpool. Because a version of this deck w deadpool, wolvie and sabertooth together sounds like a vast improvement
**Feb 28 Update** Head's up, as of this writing Silver Surfer changes weakened this deck badly. Surfer right now is 3/2 and only buffs the other 3 cost cards by 2, that took a lot out of my late game gambit. Playing around with a Patriot/Surfer deck idea but that isn't ready for posting.
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