Trash Collector
Deck Description
This is another fun list I put together two weeks ago and I've been able to climb 15 ranks (40-55) since playing it. I got lucky and pulled both Maria Hill and Agent Coulson and tried to build around them, and this is what I came up with. Deck name comes from the random junk you'll be adding to your hand all game.
Win cons: For the most part, you're going to be buffing collector/dino and win with those. It is very easy to get collector to a +9 or +11 with this list, and he can have huge swings on turn 6.
Support cards: Here, your strongest support cards are going to be Quinjet and Beast. The rest are there to buff your hand up to add power to your win-cons. Mantis and Cable can telegraph your opponent's deck to give you an information advantage, while Maria Hill and Coulson will just add value in terms of card advantage. Goblin is a great card because this deck does have a problem of running out of board space quickly, so having something we can play that takes no space is nice.
Beast: Beast deserves his own special mention because this card is absolutely nuts. If you read the text, note that Beast does NOT state 'to a minimum of 1,' so all our 1 drops can get reduced down to 0, making for insane tempo pushes. In addition, cards added back to hand will count as a trigger toward buffing Collector and they will also synergize with Quinjet. He's arguably one of the most important cards in the list.
Playstyle: Collector and Dino need to control seperate lanes. Dropping Collector in an Angela lane can make a very large power push in that location, but you may be able to squeeze value out of Angela by playing her in a seperate lane so that you can bounce her back to hand with Beast once the location fills up to keep her stacks going. You want to try to drop your value cards (Agent 13, Cable, etc) into a non-Collector lane so that you don't bounce Collector back and miss his triggered ability.
Now if you know you're going to lose a lane on T6 and have Beast in hand, you can always bounce that lane back to hand to add +3 to Collector. It doesn't sound like much, but not a lot of people expect him on T6, and it can make for a huge power push.
Snapping/Retreating: If you pull their win con with Mantis/Cable, you can snap aggressively pretty early on. Otherwise, you want to make sure you at least have Collector by T3, otherwise his value will go way down. But more often than not, your opponent will snap for you on T4 or T5, and you can take advantage by having a huge turn to buff your Collector/Dino on the field
Ideal turns:
T1: Hood/Agent 13. Hood is a great T1 because your opponent probably thinks your playing Destroy, which can throw them off. Mantis is too high-rolly to play T1, save her for when you are more confident what your opponent will do. Quinjet can be played if necessary. You can also skip T1 if you have 1 drops and collector in hand, it really just depends on the first location.
T2: Collector/Angela. Almost never drop Beast T1, save him for a later turn when you can add multiple cards back. Maria Hill can be played to help your curve on 3, but we want to try to save her for Collector.
T3: Here's where things get really flexible. If Quinjet's not on the board, we want to try to play him now for a big T4. But we can make a huge tempo push and will most likely be able to play on curve for the rest of the game.
T4: Again, another flex turn. Coulson, Beast plays, Goblin, etc are all fine.
T5: This is where we want to drop Dino if possible, otherwise we can keep bouncing/adding cards to hand or drop whatever Coulson gave us. We can also use Beast to completely abandon a lost lane to reposition our cards like Angela or Demon for a huge T6.
T6: This is the most interesting turn in the match IMO. You may have supper nutty cards in hand by now. We can simply Dino/Mantis, or if Dino and Collector are on the field we can play tons of stuff to add cards to our hand.
But what about Killmonger???: Honestly, we don't care about Killmonger. The only thing we need to protect is our Demon, but Killmonger will actually do us a favor more often than not by clearing out board space for us to drop more cards. It sucks if he hits your Quinjet or Demon, but we can still bounce back through value a good chunk of the time.
Limitations: It is possible you will add enough cards to hand to prevent your next draw step, so just make sure you don't blow your wad since maxing out your hand can keep you from drawing your Dino/Collector. Cosmo really hurts us. Fortunately, Cosmo also means they can't Shang-Chi our big Dino/Collector, so it can work in our favor if we can pivot that lane. Combo decks can be very scary since we run two deck-thinning cards for our opponent. If we hit, we hit hard, but if we whiff then their odds of drawing Surfer/Wong/etc go way up, so don't hesitate to retreat when they snap. We also have a disadvantage against Hazmat/Debrii junk decks. We typically have a full board for the most part, so losing power and having rocks added to locations can really screw us over.
Additions/Improvements: Falcon is probably better than Maria Hill in terms of flexibility, I just don't have him yet. I'm also saving up for Viper in my collector shop, we can do some neat stuff with her like giving our opponents our hood, or any of our useless 2 power cards that do nothing for us after on-reveal hits. Bishop could also be a great addition for another big power push, need to experiment around with him to see where he fits. I did run Nick Fury over Dino when Plunder Castle was the featured location just so that we had a 6 drop we could play, but I like him a lot less than Dino. I'm also not entirely satisfied with Mantis, but I'm keeping her in for now just because she can hit hard when she doesn't whiff.
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