An Ultron setup deck. Focuses mostly on setting up buffs and leaving space open for Ultron's drones, each card's use is as follows.
1- Sunspot: Mostly there to fill time and make use of lost energy, he can grow stronger than drones easily, so its not a bad idea to have him there, mostly for non ideal hands.
2- Invisible Woman: There to hide and protect your buffers, i don't actually have her yet, but the idea is to put patriot, mystique and blue marvel on her lane so they don't get enchantressed earlier, and also to make the deck less predictable. Might be a good ldea to put Blue Marvel in some other lane so there's a free space for Ultron Himself, since he wont put drones on his own lane.
3- Mojo: Since your lane is going to be filled for sure, you just have to set him up in a lane that you think the oponent will fill and he becomes pretty strong. Also if the oponent isn't expecting Ultron, he might feel more confident filling his lane since you are leaving it empty.
4- Shocker: Basically a stronger drone, he'll get the same buffs as them, so its ok to let him occupy a space, it makes it more obvious that you have Patriot hiding, but it may be worth the risk.
5- Hulk-Buster: some extra damage that dosn't use lane space, so its free for the drones, ideally at this point in the match you'd be setting up Patriot and Mystique, but if you don't have them, you can use him to buff up any lane you feel will need the boost.
6- Patriot. The most key card, his buff will make Ultron's drones very powerful.
7- Mystique: Doubles your Patriot, making the drones even stronger.
8- Cyclops: Same as Shocker, just a better drone.
9- The Thing: More extra damage, with Patriot and Mystique he reaches 10 power.
10- Blue Marvel: Further buff your drones if you can.
11- America Chavez: there to push Ultron down, if you don't have him by turn 5, seriously consider retreating. In some instances you might feel emboldened to try your luck without Ultron, in wich case she's just an ok number to play. with double patriot you might still win due to how buffed Thing, Cyclops and Shocker are.
12- Ultron: Your most critical card of course, as i said above, remember he wont drop drones on your own lane, so you might want to have 3 cards there already. Also, remember you have a pretty hard cap on how much damage you can get on each lane, but besides that, he's inmune to a lot of common counters, and the surprize factor can be huge, the more you manage to hide the fact that he'll be your last card, the better. Be very wary if they get a copy of him with White Queen or something like that, because losing your surprise factor might be your undoing. Also remember, if you have Blue Marvel around, he'll get to 9 damage and can be killed by Shang Chi.
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