Reached Infinity with this deck and thought I might share it. (as of the Nakia and okoye nerfs, this deck is outdated)
This deck contains a bunch of starter cards with no abilities that can be buffed using Patriot and Onslaught combo, potentially allowing for +4 power per unit across the board.
Ant Man is used for it's very cheap cost and because your board will be almost full due to Mysterio/Squirrel Girl. Can also be combo-ed with Onslaught.
Okoye and Nakia buffs Mysterio copies, along with the Patriot Onslaught combo, giving 22 power across the whole board for only 2 cost. Squirrel Girl helps similarly if you don't get/have Mysterio.
Tips: Try to have space for Patriot and Onslaught in the same location which means leaving at least 3 spaces for these 2 units incase you have to play Mysterio/Squirrel Girl in any of the turns.
Relatively simple deck to play but requires good board management.