Tired of getting leeched? Those value wongs too hard to deal with without cosmo? Carry not buying bkb? Fret not. This anti meta deck is here. Fun to play. Snap turn 1 on good hand. Opponent doesn't know what to expect. Not only is this deck strong but it's funny watching your opponents mald.
Iwoman : Good with Maximus, Ebony maw, Hood Demon. BLOCKS YOUR BIG BOYS FROM HAZMAT.
Viper : Kick Hood and Debrii rocks. Not recommended to kick Ebony Maw unless very specific situations.
Carnage cleans up on rocks and Hood after using hazmat + absorbing man. Bricks your opponent and only 2 cost to take back the location.
Hazmat + Absorbing Man while your cards are protected by Iwoman. Kick over remaining rocks or use carnage to clear your board.
Turn 3 & 4 : Debrii + Absorbing Man on a location your opponent has left empty. Usually it immediately closes at least 1 of their other lanes. Then maybe drop Goblin + Hazmat. Turn 6 finisher is Hood Demon, Maximus and Mojo or Red Skull + Hood Demon.
Ebony Maw can be placed down early on an empty lane if you have Debrii on starting hand. You can then start bricking your opponent to make sure they can't catch up. Since Ebony Maw locks down your lane while having 7 power, your opponent will usually not prioritise that lane until they have more energy.
This deck is very easy to misplay. You have to plan your card placements and where to drop Debrii rocks. Iwoman has to be placed properly or you'll not get ideal Debrii placements.
Counters : Patriot, Killmonger
Patriot is your hard counter. If you match an opponent playing patriot, game is probably already over unless they're already bricking themselves early with Squirrel Girl, Brood etc.
Killmonger is your other bane. No explanation needed for this one.
Decent substitutes : Polaris. Red skull > Doc Oct. Black Widow is great too, but I don't have her yet.
Other variant : Sub red skull and mojo for Cloak and Galactus. Debrii + board fill enemy and clear your board with carnage, move carnage with cloak. Make sure your opponent can't move too many from their dead lane. Galactus into already Hazmat rocks/Goblin lane.
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