One of my experimental Move Decks featuring a basic Pool 2 move deck with Sunspot and Ebony Maw.
Playing Sunspot on the first turn is always beneficial over Iron Fist in Turn 1. However, if you have Multiple Man in hand, play Iron Fist on Turn (T1).
Sunspot is basically playing support if you have a poor draw. Most often you'd find Heimdall or Spider-Man (Miles Morales) on the first hand draw. Playing Nightcrawler in Turn 2 gives Sunspot +1.
Cloak and Doctor Strange are perfect to set up two positions with possible moves. Sometimes you can do it in successive turns to boost cards like Vulture or clone Multiple Man. Cloak on Turn 2, Vulture/Multiple Man on Turn 3, and Strange on Turn 4 usually fetches a high power boost for Vulture or a clone for Multiple Man.
Ebony Maw is the wild card, and you must play within Turn 3, but make sure that the location has a move option activated for the next turn. For example, I like to play it on Turn 3 along with Cloak. Play Cloak first at a different location to move Maw around the field. You can also play it at the same location with Maw, and this creates space to move the strongest cards. Similarly, Doctor Strange on turn 4 pulls Ebony Maw if there are no cards higher than +7.
Heimdall sends everyone left. Play it at the left location if it already has three cards - this will make your other cards contest the middle location. Alternatively, play it at the right to move everything to left and center - this is a good trick if both players haven't contested the right location (especially against Warpath users). Heimdall pulls the cards in the order they were played.
Vision, Spider-Man (Miles Morales and Kraven come in handy as they are move-based cards.
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