This is the Move deck I've been using ever since I pulled Vulture as one of my first pool 2 cards. It's been very consistently effective if you plan your turns right. I named it after Kraven because he's my favorite Spider-Man villain :)
The main things you want to do are either buffing Multiple Man and/or setting up a big Vulture/Kraven/Heimdall final turn.
Forge and Hulk Buster buffing Multiple Man before he moves can create some nutso boards. Ideally you can use Doctor Strange , Iron Fist, and Heimdall to get a ton of buffed Jamies everywhere. I've found that Forge into Multiple Man into Iron Fist + Hulk Buster is the best possible curve. Obviously you want Multiple Man in a location by himself so Hulk Buster is guaranteed to hit him.
Vulture is another great card that can get super huge. You can Iron Fist him, then Doctor Strange him, then Heimdall him. That's 18 power.
Nightcrawler is a good turn one play, he provides some flexibility and can activate Kraven if necessary. Always make sure you move him to the best possible spot before your big Heimdall turn.
You definitely need to have your brain on for the whole game with this deck, you can't just autopilot. Even if Heimdall isn't in your opening hand, you should always play assuming you'll draw him. If you don't, you still usually have big enough guys to cinch a win, but he's the real win condition. Kraven should almost always be played into the left or middle locations, and if you think you can get a lot of Multiple Man dupes, play him to the right location. Smaller cards like Iron Fist and Forge should be put in spots where they won't obstruct your big moves. You also need to be really careful about the order of cards in each location, as that hugely impacts your Heimdall turn. You don't want your Vulture to get stuck!
Ant-Man is included as another cheap option because you usually get full locations by the final turn and you can fake your opponent into thinking you messed him up and won't get the buff. Spider-Woman and Jessica Jones are just generally good bigger cards that can also help with faking out and provide strong options to move around. All three of these cards are the most replacable, though, if you have better options.
Cards that would be good here that I don't have yet: Cloak , Vision , Dagger , Human Torch
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