This Card focus is geting max value when you discard. Card use Explanation;
1. Agent 13 was +2 on arena extra card to Modok or Other Discard means extra +2 also for Morbius. I choose it over Sunspot (sometimes not doing very well because this deck usually drop card(s) in every turns) or Blade (Blade usually discard my key card)
2. Morbius was unreplacable key card in Modok deck, +2 for every discarded card in the game.
3. Swarm standard unreplacable card in Modok Deck, when discarded get 2 0/2 swarm to hand with same effect.
4. Wolverine standard unreplacable card in Modok Deck, +2 when discarded or destroyed and appear in random location. Can also put in certain destroy location to make advantage of it's ability.
5. Colleen Wing for swarm/wolverine early discard
6. Moon Knight for extra discard and opponent hand disruption. I choose it over Cosmo (disruption for Wong but sometimes can disrupt our card to if a certain location exist (can't play card etc)), and Sword Master (only extra discard no disruption)
7. Lady Sif for Apocalypse early discard
8. Dracula was unreplacable key card in Apocalypse Deck
9. Lockjaw good when you have 2 cost 0 swarm and Modok still inside the Deck
10. Modok was unreplacable key card, theme of this Deck
11. Apocalypse getting stronger when discarded, unreplacable key card.
12. American Chavez, Yondu fodder, let you get other card than him before turn 6