Deck Description
I’ve been playing around with this Zero deck and I must admit it’s not half bad. The gist is to dump big stats onto the board and disable negative abilities from your cards with Zero or Enchantress. The most fun for me is that noone really plays this kind of deck ,as far as I’ve seen ,and some cards that I have included in my version of this deck are cards that noone plays ,and are deemed ‘bad’ cards. Wich they ,most certantly ,are not. I’ll explain my thought process behind playing this deck down below. But first quick card explanations:
Zero is a core card in this deck. He’s the reason I made this deck and he works great with almost every card in here. You play him into anything from Titania and Ebony Maw to Typhoid Mary or Red Skull.
Ebony Maw is a ok card by himself ,but works great with Zero ,’cause you get 7 power and still get to play cards into that lane.
Titania is great ,I absolutely love it! It takes some getting used to ,but once you get the hang of it ,she works great. Also a great Zero target ,to stop her jumping around ,but she works best on turn 6. I’ll give an example of that combo later on. And most importantly ,people don’t know how to play against her,so she’s great.
Now Quake. I’ve come to love Quakesince I’ve started playing her. What I like most about her is that noone plays her so noone expects her. I’ve had so many opponents retreat because of her. She’s great to play when your opponent play Storm ,to swap out the flooded location and foil their plays. I also love to let opponents commit into a lane such as The Raft or some other game changing location ,then swap it out last second. Makes people confused and angry and I love it.
Lizard is also an ok card ,I run him here mostly because he has most power for 2 cost ,and rarely opponents fill up their board ,so his ability rarely matters. I would probably swap him out for Maximuswhen I get him.
Cosmo needs no explanation, he’s a great tech card that ruins your opponents plays and also enables us to play Destroyer if needed.
Enchantress is also a very popular card that works great in this deck ,not only is she a great counter for Patriot,Wong and Cerebro decks ,but she can also negate the abilities of our own Typhoid Mary and Red Skull.
Typhoid Mary is one of our big stats cards. She is my most common Zerotarget,’because I’ve found that her ability is the most damaging one for us.
Red Skull is also a very big card that can be a good Zero target ,or negated with Enchantress ,but I think his ability isn’t as punishing. Worst case scenario ,he adds 8 power to your opponents board ,but if you play him on a lane in wich you opponent doesn’t have many cards or into same lane as for example Typhoid Mary or Taskmaster ,those 8 power don’t really matter.
Taskmaster is here to copy our Red Skull or Typhoid Mary ,basicly you get the stats without any negative effects.
Destroyer is an optional win condition in this deck. I don’t play him often ,but he can be great if you have one lane with 20+ power ,wich you can easily get with Mary ,Red Skull and Taskmaster. The only thing is you need Cosmo to play him without losing. Zero is also ok ,but i prefer to play Zero on other cards.
And finally Aero. Wich is my favourite card in the game. She’s absolutely broken and I fear she will be nerfed soon. So you can play her on turn 5 to disrupt your opponents plays ,but i love to play her on turn 6 with Titania ,for an absolute easy wins. I’ll give an example of some combos below.
Notable combos: Zero into Titaniainto Ebony Maw on turn 3. You get Zero to negate Titanias ability so she doesn’t jump around and then lock yourself out of that location with Ebony Maw,bit that moslty doesn’t matter since you’re locked out of a lane with 15 or more power in it. Opponents usually just give up on that lane ,’cause that’s a lot of power for turn 3.
Zero works pretty much with everything here ,but I mostly play it into Mary ,if I didn’t do prevous combo already.
And my favourite combo is Aero + any 1 cost on turn 6. Titania is prefered ,but you can play Zero if you haven’t used him on anything else. Basicly,I try to win two locations on turn 5 ,wich is easy ‘cause of all big power cards in this deck ,and then I just play Aero into a lane that im losing in + Titania in another lane to add some power. Easiest wins ever.
Finally ,I’m missing some cards still ,but I would include Maximus and Attuma in here most definetely. Maybe swap out Lizard and Ebony Maw for them.
That’s pretty much it for this deck ,I hope you have as much fun as I have.
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