Nerfing Nova

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OPRobodobo 1 year ago

At this point I dont think anyone will argue at how powerful this card is. If there is only one card to be nerfed, it has to be Nova. How will he be nerfed? Im sure the MSnap team has some great ideas in place already, but it's nice to speculate. :)

1. Increase Nova's cost to 3. This will prevent a double nova proc in one turn. It doesnt stop the power swing one Nova does, but it stops the almost auto-win for proccing a double Nova. I feel Carnage and Deathlok are in good positions in their current form right now, but what they can do with Nova is too good for the game.
2. Add "Can only have one copy of Nova this game." Still pretty strong, but like above, prevents an auto-win on double proc.
3. "All 1 and 2 cost cards in other locations get +2 on proc." Slows it down slightly by not affecting Deathlok, Dino, Moon Girl, Bishop, MrF, etc.
4. "All 1-cost cards get +2 on proc." A bit more exreme, but can still be built around in. Shouldnt affect Carnage, Angela, Cable, Strong Guy, Mr Sinister among others.
5. Change +2 to +1. I wouldnt want this personally, but it would still be more powerful than a Kazaar as it requires it to be destroyed first with another card, and affects everything.
6. Add more cards that can potentially counter Nova decks, like: "Ongoing: all cards in this loc cannot have their power changed" or "on reveal: reset all cards in this loc to their original form (removes all buffs and debuffs)" Armor is already doing a decent job, but still requires some guessing in a lot of situations. Another option would be great to slow Nova-centric decks down.

Those are some of my ideas... Would love to hear from you too! :)

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